September has the lowest rainfall of any month in Mauritius, meaning plenty of sunshine for long beach days.
Daytime temperatures are in the low 20°C/68°F, and nighttime temperatures drop to about 18°C/64°F – bring along a sweater or jacket for nights.
Highlights of the Month/Disadvantage + Advantages
September is still low season in Mauritius, so it’s a great time to travel for quiet beaches, reasonable flight prices and hotel discounts. It’s a good month for kite surfing and surfing.
Père Laval Feast Day is on the 9th of September, a Christian holy day when pilgrims travel to the shrine of Ste-Croix in Port Louis to ask for miracles.
In September or October, the festival Ganesh Chathurti sees Mauritian Hindus celebrating the god Ganesh with elaborate feasts.