The Great Migration is heading towards the central Serengeti. However, there is still a good number of wildebeest and zebra in the Kogatende area (northern Serengeti). The crossing was captured at point number 7 when a large herd was grazing at Lamai Wedge slowing moving towards the Mara River.
Tucked into the iconic Kogakuria Kopje in the northern Serengeti, Lamai Serengeti commands never-ending views over the magnificent Mara River valley. Twelve carefully designed tents are split between two separate camps, the Main Camp and the smaller Private Camp. Constructed from a clever blend of canvas, ferro and natural poles, the tents boast spacious verandas spread amongst the rocks, each with exceptional views.
The nearest accommodation to the herds: Lamai Serengeti, Safaris In Tanzania
Recommended safari: Calving Season Safari with HerdTracker